Satterthwaite Creek, NC


“…But I’d give it all up for the things I truly adore, what I see when I turn and look inside our home” – Inside Our Home311

With a heavy heart and a large sigh, I said goodbye to an entire life, childhood and memories that can never be bought with material things. My parents decided to sell their home they have lived in for over 40 years. It was the only home I have ever known. Our house sat on Satterthwaite Creek in Beaufort County on the eastern portion of North Carolina. As I have told so many people before -when attempting to understand where it is exactly that I am from- our home is located inland from the Atlantic Ocean. It was a lovely place to be a child and explore/create adventures in the woods on the mouth of Satterthwaite Creek. As a child I would explore the marshland, running sticks along the muddy bank until I found my way to what we called, “The Shell Field” which was posed as a mini beach covered in oyster shells and different types of fossilized Indian artifacts. Hours spent in this location were many and are now fondly memorialized. Trips into the woods, examining leaves and awaiting the voice of Aunt Betty yelling from her house, “WATCH OUT FOR SNAKES!” warm my heart with a hint of nostalgia.


Running up and down the creeks and rivers were exciting, to say the least.

This area used to be a booming commercial fishing industry. For such a small area, our community produced quite a bit of seafood. Much of the product was distributed to market sellers anywhere in NC, to Baltimore MD and up and down the eastern U.S. Unfortunately, all but one company has permanently closed their doors for business due to importing seafood from other countries, heavy governmental restrictions, bigger seafood processors and a few other reasons I’m sure I do not know of at this time. So, what does the post seafood market look like after it has shut down?




As I look at these images, I must say it saddens me to see a community once thriving and providing for their families, now reduced to faded dreams and sunken derelict boats. *sighs* Life goes on and so the world continues to turn. Even still, these memories stay fresh in my heart and mind. This will always be my home and I will always cherish the land as well as the people. It’s the only home I have ever known.

Hurricanes were the major catalyst for the move. In 2011 Hurricane Irene devastated our home and belongings.

It took a long time to re-establish what they once had. Also, the idea that the nearest hospital was 45 minutes away didn’t sit well when both of my parents are in their 70’s. There were a few reasons for leaving it all behind but ultimately it landed them in Asheboro, North Carolina.


It’s not a bad place to be. We truly miss our home, but it will always be in our hearts. No one will ever be able to take it from us even though someone else lives in that house now. We will always have that homestead in our memories to cherish and look fondly upon. As I said before, it is the only home I have ever known, but at the end of the day, home is where your family is. At least, for me it is.


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